Insurance Coverage and Defense Attorneys in West Virginia
Is your insurance company defending against claims where the claimant is seeking more than their claim is worth? If you cannot avoid litigation, your company will most likely need legal representation and legal advice from a law firm with insurance defense lawyers who know how to stand up to these coverage disputes, insurance bad faith claims, and other attacks on you.
The West Virginia insurance defense lawyers at Orndorff Mowen PLLC are reliable and knowledgeable regarding insurance laws. We can help you if you need assistance with litigating, reducing your risk, and minimizing damage to your company while offering a sensible outlook on the expectations and directions of a case or claim in the insurance industry.
Is Your Company Faced With Litigation?

The sheer range of litigation types faced by insurance companies is astonishing. Just a few of the types of unfair insurance claims brought by people are as follows.
Bad Faith Claims
Insurance bad faith is a tort that claims an insurance company violated its implied agreement to fair dealing under an insurance policy. The good news for insurers is that bad faith claims can be difficult to prove. Still, juries and judges may side against the company when interpreting insurance policy language, so it is best to have a West Virginia insurance defense lawyer in your corner if you are targeted by one of these claims.
Insurance Fraud
Insurance fraud is, at its most basic level, an attempt to bring a false claim for the purpose of exploiting insurance coverage for profit. According to the FBI, insurance fraud costs the insurance industry more than $40 billion every year, and it is a crime that can rise to felony levels.
Insurance fraud takes many forms, including homeowners or motorists adding extra or pre-existing property damage to a claim, false medical malpractice claims in the health care industry, or workers pretending their injuries are worse than they are to get more out of workers’ compensation. It is a despicable practice and one we will fight against doggedly.
Disputing Fake Claims by Policyholders
It is not uncommon for policyholders to make claims they know to be fraudulent, but it may be difficult to tell on your end. Some insurance companies have internal teams that investigate fraudulent claims. Our law office can be of help in this area. If you suspect a claim is fraudulent, it is important to take the right steps to challenge it while protecting yourself from bad faith accusations.
You must defend your company and the industry from fraudulent claims, but it can be a complicated matter. Your internal team, working in conjunction with your attorney, can gather evidence supporting the denial of fraudulent claims. If such claims rise to the level of criminal activity, they can work with federal authorities when necessary.
Legal issues involving insurance law do not, however, end with liability defense. Our practice areas also include construction law issues, declaratory judgments, environmental law, risk management for companies, and many others.
Need West Virginia Insurance Defense Lawyers?

Orndorff Mowen PLLC has decades of experience practicing insurance law. When people try to exploit insurance coverage for unfair reasons, we are the ones who stand up for insurance companies. We are a civil litigation firm that can try cases but also understands the cost and other considerations of insurance litigation for our corporate and insurance clients.
If you are an insurance carrier targeted by personal injury lawyers and people looking to exploit insurance law against you, our insurance defense lawyers are ready to defend your company. Do not be the victim of unfair, fraudulent, spurious, or frivolous coverage disputes or liability claims. Let our dedicated law firm provide the legal representation you need.
Plagued by Fraudulent or Unreasonable Claims?
If your company cannot escape insurance litigation, Orndorff Mowen is here to help. We cherish the attorney-client relationships we nurture with the individuals and companies we represent. We have seen cases all over West Virginia including Charleston, Clarksburg, Huntington, Morgantown, and beyond. Three of our attorneys are listed on Super Lawyers, which recognizes attorneys for excellence. If you need help, we are ready to listen. Just call us at 866-481-2765 or fill out our online contact form for a case review today.
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